5 Easy Steps to a Perfect Morning Start

Whether you’re off to work yourself or helping others get ready for their day (or in many cases, both), the morning routine can often feel rushed and sometimes even a little overwhelming.

Making quick, time-poor choices can haunt you for the rest of your day – fatigue, irritability, and forgotten items left at home in the rush.

Luckily, just a few easy tweaks to your routine can get rid of the morning frenzy and ensure that you and your family get the best possible start to your day, every day! Give them a try and see how they work for you:

1. Hydrate

The first thing we should do upon waking is rehydrate our bodies after sleep. For an added boost, try squeezing some fresh lemon into your water.

2. Ditch the devices

As tempting as it is to scroll through your social feed to see what everyone else is eating for breakfast, keep that phone away until you have left the house. One of the greatest time-stealers of today are devices that suck us into their bright world, only for us to reappear into reality realising that we are now running late!

3. Rise 30 minutes earlier

You would be amazed how getting up that little bit earlier can completely transform the mood of your day. With a little more time up your sleeve, you can prepare to take care of yourself better throughout the day. Prepare healthy meals and lunchboxes, get organised for the day, and have that quiet moment to sit and enjoy your breakfast at leisure. A healthy, relaxed mind and body will set you up for a more organised, productive day with less stress.

4. Choose a nourishing breakfast

Take the time to provide your body with the fuel it needs to get you through the day. Just coffee and no food is a recipe for disaster. Try to choose a protein-rich breakfast to nourish yourself and provide your body with enough energy to get you going. Trust me, you’ll notice the difference!

If you’ve accidentally slept past your alarm, throw some fruit and milk in the blender along with some protein powder for a super quick and healthy on-the-go smoothie.

5. Get moving.

A great way to kick-start your day is to get some exercise. It doesn’t have to be a strenuous gym workout or an intense cardio session. Just a simple 20-minute yoga session or stretching at home is all you need to get yourself moving, your blood pumping, and your body feeling ready for the day ahead.

Pro Tip – for an added sense of morning calm in your house, pop some of your favourite Tri Nature essential oils in the diffuser when you wake up. Our famous essential oil blends will lift your spirits and elevate your mood into the day ahead.

There you have it! If you have any tips to add to this list, jump over to our Facebook page and let us know. We’d love to hear from you!

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