5 Ways to Start the New Year Off Right (Without Resolutions)

With the new year only a matter of days away, some of us may be thinking about our new year’s resolutions for 2020, but making all of these intentions aren’t always the best way to go about actually getting what you want, as they often fail, and fail quickly.

To celebrate the dawn of another new year and the beginning of a whole new decade, we’ve compiled some ways to start 2020 with your best foot forward, no resolutions needed!

1. Start the new year off right with a clean home

A great way to bring in the new year without any stress is to do a deep clean of your home. This can include decluttering by sorting and storing away items that are left out around your home that take up unnecessary space and donating old things you might not use anymore such as old toys, clothes, linens or even pieces of furniture.

Break down your cleaning schedule by room. Start with dusting, as it will likely create a lot of mess which can then be picked up afterwards by the vacuum cleaner.

Use Supre Multi-Purpose Cleaner for your hard surfaces, including the kitchen benches, and Excel for your entire bathroom.

Optimate floor cleaner is great for refreshing hard-wood and tile floors, while Pro Care is great for carpets and rugs.

Use Hyaline glass cleaner for your windows and glass surfaces, and our best-selling Sphagnum moss for disinfecting and adding a fresh scent to your home.

Once you’re done your home will look almost new again, and you can start to re-decorate. That’s the fun part!

2. Refresh your space

There’s no better way to bring in a brand new year than to welcome it in a fresh new space. We’re not suggesting you move house or anything crazy like that, but rearranging your existing home can refresh your entire perspective and make you feel like you’re getting a fresh start.

Refreshing your home for the new year might involve re-decorating with a new “theme,” or it might even be as simple as moving some furniture around in your living area to create a new look. Why not hang some new family photos from the year past? There’s no better way to celebrate making it through another year in one piece!

Bring a new level of comfort to your home by decorating with scent. An essential oil diffuser is a great alternative to chemical air fresheners, as they release molecules that purify your air rather than adding to the toxicity.

3. Buy a plant (or ten)

A great way to start the new year off right is to buy some plants. This ties in well with the above point, as a new plant or two can bring a whole new life to your space, and also improve the quality of the air inside your home too!

Plants are an amazing way to jazz up even the most boring room in your home. Adorn your window sills with succulents, and your indoor surfaces with ferns and figs. Whatever look you’re after, there’s sure to be a plant to compliment it. Even the pots they’re planted in can be part of your deco style!

4. Make goals, not resolutions

How many of us start off each new year with a bunch of resolutions in mind that don’t even make it past February? Well, the most common reason why these good intentions often fail is because they’re not usually goals we actually care about. If you’re making these resolutions based on a feeling that you ‘should,’ and you don’t actually feel inspired or passionate about reaching them, sadly, they’re destined for failure.

Not only that, but they’re usually vague or overly ambitious, such as ‘I’m going to lose weight,’ or ‘I’m going to save money.’ Try setting some SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) goals instead, and define how you’re going to achieve them in more measurable pieces.

For example, instead of telling yourself “I’m going to save money,” settle on a specific amount that you want to save before the new year ends, and then work out how much you’ll need to set aside each pay to reach it. Done!

5. Remove all expectations and stop pressuring yourself!

We’re all guilty of ‘should-ing’ ourselves to death. I should lose weight, I should quit smoking, I should stop spending so much money on plants, etc. But it’s proven that negative association is born from placing all of these big expectations on ourselves, and failing to meet them can actually do more harm than good.

Instead of offering yourself another thing to beat yourself up about, set goals in a more positive light and remove the expectation for immediate success. Instead of saying “I need to lose weight,” which has a negative connotation, say to yourself “I want to be healthy,” and make it positive.

Change takes time, and often more than one single attempt as well, so forgive yourself. Each time you try is a mini victory in itself, and you’ll get stronger and stronger each time!

Most importantly, have a happy and safe new year!

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