After the Rain: Our 4-Step Cleaning Guide to Refresh Your Home

With the intense rainfall along the East Coast recently, we hope that all of our Tri Nature customers and their families are safe and well! As I’m sure you can relate, being stuck inside (especially with kids) can be a stressful experience, and even more so if it’s for extended periods of time.

During long periods of wet weather, you might begin to feel like your house has become a bomb site with all the kids’ toys, craft supplies and games strewn everywhere, and wet muddy footsteps all over the place.

So once the rain has cleared away and the sunshine comes out again, it’s a great time to get back on top of your cleaning and make your house feel fresh and clean again.

Below are some of our top tips for getting your house back in order after days of rain…
1. Get drying

Heavy and/or excessive rainfall can result in moisture build-up in the air, which can cause dampness around the home, so throw open the windows, turn the fans on and use a dehumidifier (if you can get hold of one) to help dry out any damp from the carpets, furniture, walls and ceilings.

Nothing feels better after days of being cooped up in the wet than opening the house up to let some fresh air inside!

2. Put on your favourite music

Get out your ear pods and stream your favourite tunes to get your body moving. Music can be highly uplifting and it can help motivate you when you’ve got tasks to do around the house.

3. Get out some of your favourite Tri Nature cleaning products and give everything a good wipe-down

For cleaning and sanitising around the home, our Green Cleaning Starter Set has everything you’ll ever need, with none of those toxic chemical nasties!

– Use Glass Cleaner to buff away grime and finger marks from the windows and mirrors. Hyaline will also help to prevent future re-marking!

– Use Multi-Purpose Cleaner for your window sills, shutters, walls and all other general hard surfaces around the kitchen and living areas.

– Use Furniture Polish to clean away greasy soiling and buff all of your timber furniture back to its original lustre.

– Use Floor Cleaner to mop your hard tile, laminate and timber floors, and Carpet Cleaner for your carpets (especially for spot stains!)

– Use Bathroom Cleaner for just about every surface imaginable within your bathroom (even the toilet!)

– Use Cream Cleanser for your sinks or other enamel or stainless steel surfaces.

4. Lastly, select one of your favourite essential oils and turn your diffuser on.

Nothing is more relaxing than a nice fresh and clean house, but for that extra level of ambience, burning your favourite fragrance of essential oils or blends can be a great mood-lifter. Kick back with your favourite book or show, put your feet up and enjoy your nice clean home.

So there you have it! With these simple steps, you can chase away the damp mood (pun intended) and bring peace back to your space. For me, getting the house open, cleaned and re-organised with the sun shining in always makes me feel better, even after the darkest of rainy days.

Got any tips to add? Feel free to jump over to our Facebook page to leave us some feedback! We always love to hear from you.

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