Lavender Essential Oil – Your Most Frequently Asked Questions

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is an aromatic shrub that is native to areas in the western Mediterranean region. It grows to about 1 to 2 metres and produces purple/pink coloured flowers. This precious oil is extracted from the fresh flowering tops of the plant using steam distillation resulting in the sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma and fresh woody, balsamic undertones of our Tri Nature Lavender Essential Oil.

We have had many inquiries regarding this product and today we would love to share our response to some of your most frequently asked questions so that you may reap the benefits of this wonderfully aromatic essential oil.

What are the Benefits of using Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender essential oil is known as one of the most versatile essential oils with a vast range of benefits. It has a well-established folklore and tradition of comforting, reviving, and soothing and is frequently used for the potential effects on its user; calming, warming, balancing, and relaxing. Lavender essential oil is also well known for revitalising all types of skin but is especially best for tired, stressed, irritated, and dry skin. Lavender is also well known to help with conditions of; stress, depression, insomnia, tension, migraine, PMS, painful menstruation, panic, and shock*.

How do I use Lavender Essential Oil?

Here are our 3 favourite uses –

1. Massage

Use up to 25 drops of lavender or a blend of complementary oils in 50ml of massage oil base. We recommend using the Luxury Massage Blend or Sweet Almond Oil.

2. Aromatic Bath

Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oil to a full bath and agitate to disperse. To avoid essential oil floating on the top of the water use in conjunction with our Bath Dispersant.

3. Diffusing

Add 5 to 10 drop of essential oil in your Ultrasonic Diffuser – the appropriate amount depends on your machine and the size of the room you are diffusing in so please see your diffuser manual for specifics.

Does Lavender Essential Oil help you to sleep?

Lavender Essential Oil is widely known for its soothing and relaxing properties and for its success in helping people get to sleep. A few drops on the pillow before bed or diffusing in your bedroom would be our recommendations.

Should I diffuse Lavender Essential Oil on its own or blend it with other Essential Oils? What are the best Essential Oils to diffuse with Lavender?

Lavender Essential Oil is great by itself, but it blends very well with any of the “citrusy” essential oils such as Lemon, Orange, and Lime. Other essential oils that it blends very well with are Clary Sage, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, and Frankincense.

Where do I buy 100 percent Pure Essential Oils?

Our Lavender Essential oil is 100% pure and you can buy from our website ( or one of our friendly Tri Nature Consultants in your local area – Contact us if you would like to be connected!

Tri Nature Customer & Naturopathy Student Ashlee Adam raves about Lavender Essential Oil. Here’s why she loves it:

Lavender oil is the oil I use most! It’s the best all-rounder oil, great for so many things! We use it for treating cuts and burns, as it has antimicrobial properties. Great for relieving stress and anxiety and will improve sleep, I also use it every day in my skincare routine along with frankincense, due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ability, to help reduce the signs of ageing. Just add a few drops to your daily moisturiser or precious facial oil!” – Ashlee A.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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