Mastering the Christmas Clean Up

Nothing makes the festive glow disappear faster than staring at the empty aftermath of your Christmas entertaining. With stomachs over-filled, kids happily occupied with some new toys, there is nothing more inviting than the lounge. However, the mess won’t disappear (and neither will the overfilled stomach), unless we get moving. So, assemble the troops – here are the 7 tasks that will restore your house to pristine glory, without the need for unnecessary nasty chemicals.

1. Strip the Christmas tree.

Put decorations into a marked box, placing your tree skirt at the bottom to protect any delicate ornaments. Seal tight and lightly spray the outside of the box with Sphagnum Moss Disinfectant to ensure no little crawlies make their way into your decoration box.

2. Pack away the lights.

Using empty wrapping paper rolls, wind your light cords around the rolls starting with the light end, and finishing by placing the power plug into the end of the roll to hold it firm.

3. Check carpet & furniture for stains.

The longer any stains sit, the harder they will be to remove. Get your Pro Care Carpet Cleaner out and start spraying!

4. Give your BBQ a good clean with Blitz Oven & BBQ Cleaner.

Ensure that your BBQ is clean, and ready for its next use and that you and your family are safe in the process. There is nothing worse than the toxic fumes that regular BBQ cleaners give off.

5. Clean your oven.

While you have the Blitz BBQ & Oven Cleaner out, give your oven interior a thorough wipe-down to remove any build-up created over Christmas.

6. Give your fridge interior a quick wipe.

Fridges are often stuffed full over the festive season which usually creates spillage of juices and food remnants. Give your shelves a quick wipe over with our food-safe Sanazone Odourless Disinfectant to ensure your fridge stays clean & free from nasty odours.

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